Unpressed. Repressed. Depress.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I'm quite indifferent
But it is seemingly usual
I'm all like the great pretender
Not to tell you how much I care
But I do,
You'll never know
But I really do

I have been looking for the perfect song
To capture every detail in my heart
But i can never find
Something as profound as you

They're all like showers of daffodils and roses
Dancing as they pour over my head
I am shackled by the memories of your smile
Imprisoned by the longings of your touch

I wonder how
Or when, or from where?
I got that from an Italian sonnet
But it doesn't really matter that much
They're all like shooting stars
Landed on earth
And came as arrows of love
That struck me
Right through my heart

You have ceaselessy amazed me
By the simple things you do
And you don't do
I never thought you could have gone that far
To make me realize that it is you
Oh, I never thought
And I can never be certain
But I'm hoping I will
And maybe you will, too

In Time

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