Things I Want to Have After College Life

Friday, July 30, 2004

i've had my moments thinking what i haven't got "during" my college life (technically i am still in that phase though..). so now i'm planning ahead and make sure that i get these after 10 years. haha. i'll be getting back on this. hoping this blog is still alive (and free from "Stalkers".. yeah yooouuu!!!)

1>> first and foremost, i want to get a LIFE i can call my own. haha. steering on my own wheel of life.

2>> i want to have a job that will sustain me for 50 more years.. that i can eat as much as i want, just gaining a few more pounds (i'm thinking of a 110 threshold. haha. but i have to keep in touch with my tummy getting as big as.. you know what. haha)

3>>after having that job that i want, i need a car. hehehe. i think i will have in the near 5 years or so.. but that'll be the time when all my brothers have their own families that they will be leaving the cars behind. haha. i want a jet-black car.. i do not prefer leather seats because they get a little bit uncomfy, when you're all sweaty. yeeeckk..

4>>i want to have a laptop. for sure, i'd be working with my bestfriend, the computer... in the world that i live in called the world wide web.

5>>i want to change my cell phone. hahaha. i want to throw mine today. harharhar. i dreamt last night that i was standing by the window at 4th floor of Gox and i "accidentally" dropped it. i was quite happy it happened (it was half-accident, btw) but unfortunately, dumb me, i dropped it over the blue altis car. hahaha. which will cost me even more.  soooo, which means that i still have to wait for time to tell whether i should change it or not. hahaha. 

6>>i need a new wardrobe. haha. i am tired of the jeans and shirts. i will be sure strutting myself to the corporate world and i need a new make over. harhahar. well not really. i wouldn't veer away from my usual comfy tees and rubber shoes. i love 'em. but maybe i'll be trying a bit of heals, skirts and more pleats. hahaha.

7>>books. books. books. i'll be investing much on these when i have my work. i plan to build a library of my own. hahaha. how i wish. and how i wish i have the luxury to read as much.

8>>cds.. vcds.. dvds.. and not pirated ones, please? haha. be one of my investments too.

9>>family? oh well. that should be something. i want to but...

that's about it. and i've been thinking, that i still have less than a month to fulfill things i never had in this lifetime. maybe it's about time...

everything is shortlived. make the most out of it. CARPE DIEM kiddos.

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