
Monday, April 03, 2006

Government Warning: Cigarette smoking is bad for your health.
Some things I learned about life, I learned from a cigarette.

Sometimes, we'll never really know what we're getting until we give it a try. Even if at the very start you know that it won't do you any good, you'll never realise the good and bad side of it unless you are ACTUALLY into it.

Not all the 'bad things' are totally BAD. Likewise not all 'good things' turn out to be really GOOD. Again, the theory of relativity. Sometimes the good become bad to certain circumstances. Sometimes the bad becomes good, depending how a person works it out to be of advantage to him.

Not all we want turns out what we need. And not all of what we need is given to us.

Don't do something just because some people tells you so.

There are just some things in life that were made to hurt you. Even at that, all things are made purposely.

Though there are certain societal norms that build typecasting of influence (specifically, BAD that is), an individual should be at least more careful with that.

Your problems will not go with a *PUFF*

In love and in life, just like a cigarette, will make you addicted to it. At first you'll be at HIGH. But later, you'll never know you're a slave of it. You'll never know what you're losing unless you're in pain.

No, I haven't tried hitting on it. Not even the thought of letting that stick touch my lips. And more than me giving a puff, that smoke coming out of a person's mouth (sometimes thru his nose) is a threat.

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Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »