
Monday, May 09, 2005

indeed, a noble life he led.

a tribute to a man whom i believe to be the greatest for me to know. in my lifetime. even if it would mean knowing him barely for 21 years. but seemingly, i've known his entirety for days, i can even use my hands for counting.

I cannot even draw together the words that would, at the very least, to give justice and put into prose the life he had for barely a century of living. Loving spouse. Eleven children. Hero to be called. There's so much with this man that I have to say I never fathomed to be the life that he led. He gave me more reasons to give importance to life (in general) to raising a HUGE family (11 children, with 9 in-laws, 27 grandchildren, and 3 grand-grand children), to living a noble life (which does not mean being a hero in the flesh. but doing simple things that truly express nobilty with a noble heart), to fighting not only against man, but against death during wars of the world, to leading, being highly-respected and making a mark to his community.

at the last breath, selfless he was... until the end. open arms, he accepted the new life he would live with HIM.

as i stared for two days beside him, it made me put that mark that i would be as loving as he was. that i will also find that man that he would be just as him. i have raised the mark to living life more than seizing the day. i have never felt that much pride in myself than that day. amidst the tears that seemed to have never ceased to flow, is a proud heart we bore, is bearing, and will always be, that we have come to know this man.

i heard gunshots. at the strike of 12, covered with a blanket of a nationalistic banner, he was laid to rest. in peace. through eternity.

we love you and will always be remembered.

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